User Guide:

User Guide:

Setting up and Running the program

Requires Java JDK 11 or later installed.

Double click on duke.jar to start program.

How to start

  1. Start by typing anything in the text box at the bottom of the window.
  2. Instruction/error messages will guide you along.
  3. The following are the commands and how to use them.
  4. Formats have to be followed strictly.

Commands and instructions


  • <INFO> denotes information to be filled in by the user
  • Date formats used are of the form date/month/year
  • Time formats used below are of a 24hr format (e.g. 2359)

View all the commands

  • Format !commands

  • Displays the following list of text commands in the window.

1) !commands returns a list of text commands
1) list lists out all the current tasks
1) bye saves the current tasks into a file and exits program
1) done format: “done ", marks a task in the list as done
1) todo format: “todo ", creates a todo task
1) deadline format: “deadline /by <dd/MM/yyyy HHmm>", creates a deadline task
1) event format: “event /at <dd/MM/yyyy HHmm>", creates an event task
1) delete format: “delete ", deletes a task in the list
1) find format: “find ", finds tasks with matching string

View all the tasks in the list

  • Format list
  • Displays the list of tasks currently in the task list.

Quit the program

  • Format bye

  • Saves the current tasks into a file and exits program.
  • File saved is a .txt file.
  • File location will be displayed in the window as well.
  • After which programs closes in 5 seconds.

Mark a task as done

  • Format: done <interger task number>

  • Example: done 1, marks task 1 as done.

  • Marks a designated task in the task list as done

Add a todo task

  • Format: todo <description>

  • Example: todo have a break, adds a todo task with the description: “have a break”.

  • Adds a todo task to the task list.

Add a deadline task

  • Format: deadline <description> /by <dd/MM/yyyy HHmm>

  • Example: deadline assignment /by 16/9/2020 2359, adds a deadline task with the description: “assignment”, and the time by 16/9/2020, 2359hrs.

  • Adds a deadline task to the task list.

Add an event task

  • Format: event <description> /at <dd/MM/yyyy HHmm>

  • Example: event birthday /at 16/9/2020 1300, adds an event with the description: “birthday”, and the time at 16/9/2020, 1300hrs.

  • Adds an event task to the task list.

Delete a task

  • Format delete <task number>

  • Example: delete 1, deletes task 1 from the list.

  • Deletes a designated task from the task list.

Find a task

  • Format find <string>

  • Example: find test, displays all tasks with descriptions containing “test” partially or as a whole.

  • Display tasks with matching string.